Author Topic: Wii Music  (Read 2487 times)

My parents can only spend like $400 total on Christmas. :(
Why that hell are you sad about that?
Holy... Want to switch familys? :3

wii sports restort  *

looked okay, it has the motion + attachment (makes wii remotes more sensitive and have a more realistic feel), and there is sword dueling so that will be fun.

Wii music
Meh, a bunch of instruments, seems ok

wii sports restort  *

Wii music
Meh, a bunch of instruments, seems ok
thanks for claryfiing on the game
and thanks for the thoughtfull review on wii music
(I am not the best speller)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2008, 08:05:42 PM by nova-Pico-rune »

Played it at gamestop. Not really that great, decent.

Why that hell are you sad about that?
Holy... Want to switch familys? :3

i can spend £170. And thats going on a power supply and a graphics card :D