Author Topic: Faceplant'd  (Read 3504 times)

When I was about, oh 9 years old maybe,
me and my friends were riding bikes down
this hill, enjoying the nice Sunday afternoon,
when this jerk in front of me wants to stop.
I know what you're thinking, he'd turn right?
no, he just stops and I hit his tire and go flying
over the handlebars(Yeah, I can ride my bike with no handlebars)
and do two flips. Lucky me, my friend was there to help me home.
After that the kid rides home and never speaks to me again, lol.

Talking to my friend riding next to me, new bikes...

Rode into one of those Green Power box things.
Did a full front-flip, while on my bike, landed
on the other side of the small green Pylon thing
whatever, and then lost balance and Faceplant'd.

Thank God it was Friday afternoon...

We used to own this nice 10.5 acre property, and we had a really steep cliff. It had boulders, rocks, and a bunch of trees. During the winter, it snows a lot, so we decided to make a snow tubing track down the  cliff. It was epic, and had a bunch of turns that you would almost jump off of. I was tubing down it myself, and actually did jump off the last turn, and was close to hitting a tree. Luckily I landed in a deep thing of snow. No harm done.

A squrrel threw a nut at my was very odd.

My aunt's boyfriend went on a safari to some jungle (don't remember which) and a monkey stuff in its hand and threw it at his head. :D

me and my sister wher riding down a hill with scooters and my sister was going so fast her front scooter wheel hit a lil pebble and she. FLIP. and landed on her back and she was like ow that hurts and these ppl drove by and said. ARE YOU OKAY and my sister is like "moan"

Learn some grammar, please.

This reminds me, same thing happened to me only I got a massive gash in my arm and lost a bunch of nerves in the process, HURRAY FOR NOT HAVING ARTERIES THERE! (I didn't bleed very much surprisingly is what i meant)

i've done a few stair faceplants if those count.