Author Topic: BJway Mods Upload Service Down  (Read 3551 times)

The website is down for upgrades until tuesday.  When it is back up is will be faster than it was before.  I am sorry for the inconviniance.

You're not grounded anymore I guees, It is half of the quarter.

Looks like it. Heh I got grounded forever :(

Are there any other sites that offer at least 100mb or more, or even Unlimited hosting until Bjwaymods comes back? I have been searching both yahoo and google and I have yet to find any.

well there is upload temple but thats only got 30mb

I looked at other upload services and statisticly my upload service is the best but is not as well known

are you stil grounded?

I use it lets u upload up to 1gig.
only problem those is if u post a link anyone that gets the link can remove it.
put for sending huge files between friends its awesome.

So, when should it be back up?

I'd use Filefront, except I didn't feel like registering. I could have uploaded it onto geocities, except people are only allowed to download 4.2MB per hour...

it was pushed back till this monday

ok I got an email back from my webhost and here it is
Dear valued customer,
It has come to our attention that Server19 in our data center is experiencing technical difficulties, if you're receiving this email your website is located on Server19. To be specific the hard drive on the server has failed which is not allowing the server to load correctly. Our technicians are aware of the problem and are currently working on getting the server fixed ASAP. Once the problem is fixed you'll receive an email notifying you that your account has been turned back online.
If we are unable to repair Server19, we will end up moving your account to a new server. If this is the case you will receive an email from us with the subject line "********** account migration complete", the email will include a new username and password to the new server.
If you have any questions in regards to this issue please email support@**********.com.
The **********.com Team