Author Topic: New clan by Me!!!  (Read 5619 times)

No one is gonna join your stupid clan.

lol "BLM"
that acronym is taken man...
yes this clan is a noob clan, you join and the first thing you do is make a clan, nooby-est crap ever.
i bet you diddn't even look at any other topics, you just joined and said "OMGZORZ I MAK CLAN NOW!!!!!!111" why dont you start from square one.
1. Make yourself known in the forums and Blockland comunity
2. build a good reputaion some builds for gods sake (it sets the standard for yyour clan) on the forums for at leats 3 weeks to a month
5. finally once you're well known and loved by all (most), make a clan.

please, Badspot make a sticky about clans with some helpfull tips for all the newbies.

Facechild, if you are going to tell someone off, please look superior, so it hurts a lot more. Use correct punctuation, try to use correct spelling and grammar, and use complicated terms and phrases. I cannot stand by, watching you half-burn noobs.


Looks at the modify button

Facechild, if you are going to tell someone off, please look superior, so it hurts a lot more. Use correct punctuation, try to use correct spelling and grammar, and use complicated terms and phrases. I cannot stand by, watching you half-burn noobs.


'twas just a singe

I'm ina  clan that hate's BLM and only uses TBM, can i still join? Plz I'll kill everyone!

Fine!!!! I don't have a clan anymore. I've been doing a lot of stuff on the forms(i don't like to post often). I know you were trying to insult me, but thanks for the tips facechild!!!

HAHA, you know what a edit button is me? well, you can always use it!!!

"Hey guys I made a clan where you have to kill everyone"

"New reul yu don't have to kill everyone, only puple yu hate"

"Another rul, you don't have to kill anyone at all"

"That's it I can't run this clan, I need to catch up"

Sixteen day old topic.......

Sixteen day old topic.......


*goes into toture chamber*

Quote from: Wedge
Heh my dead clan has been mentioned