
Witch one do you think is the worst server?

A freebuild where you arent allowed to build
A server with "Deleter noobs"
A server where the admin traps you in their building
A server whith too many add-ons
A server with stupid builds
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Author Topic: Worst server ever?  (Read 1795 times)

Servers without wrenches annoy me.

Of course i have my own little exploit that let's me spawn one regardless of permissions...

Admin: "where do you keep getting the cash for so many bricks?"

Me: "well I'm certainly not spawning my own if that's what you are thinking! because that's impossible as i am not an admin *cough* OMGHAXORZLOL *cough*"

I love the servers where the admins trap everyone because it gives me a chance to put my mind to the test and try to find a way out.