Author Topic: Limpfittz & TheLastHaze ; Forbidden Fruit (random wip(?))  (Read 1583 times)


Forbidden Fruit:

Haven't posted a new build in these forums in months.. So I though it was time now.. =)
This is a VERY very random build that me and The LastHaze made, we just played around a bit, getting used to the controls in Blockland after all the time away.. haha. I really kinda, don't know YET what it is, but it's kinda beautiful..

It could be one of the most random things I've ever posted, but I hope you think it's nice any way, and some inspiration maybe? =)

I'm doing another project at the moment, a more serious, bigger one with TheLastHaze, remember that name, he's my best apprentice I've had so far.

wow that looks really nice, randomly nice lol.

I dont see anything special in it and the trees seem rather spammy

I dont see anything special in it and the trees seem rather spammy
Don't be a richard.

I like the build Limp.

I dont see anything special in it and the trees seem rather spammy
Lol, starfish.
You keep on saying that builds look spammy, when I think of it as detail.
Let's see you do better.
Anyway, nice work.

I dont see anything special in it and the trees seem rather spammy

Why have you become such an starfish towards me?

Thanks all of you others :)

Why have you become such an starfish towards me?

Thanks all of you others :)
Actually that had nothing to do towards my liking to you, I just dont think the build is nice


I like it... makes me think of more random times...

Not very detailed, It's kind of chunky, like the supports should be just on thick bar.
I feel the islands could be a bit more clean cut than what they are now. It has potential
to turn into a sweet build though.