Author Topic: Duck clan  (Read 4403 times)

I'm starting another clan, I'm also making a website for it.  The only thing we do in duck clan is build stuff, and While you guys are playing the  <super> most of the time me, mess around with the map while people are playing.  If you want to join post here plx.
Aducky ownz

Sir, your post is a jumbled mess that barely passes for the english language.
Please correct this, so people know what exactly your talking about ;).

Sir, you also made a duck clan in the past.

Sir, your post is a jumbled mess that barely passes for the english language.
Please correct this, so people know what exactly your talking about ;).

What ever, is anyone joining?

Also, I know I made a duck clan, and i am doing it again.

LOL!!! NO COOKIE FOR YOU DUMB-ASS!!  :cookie:=NO lololol!
You are the  :cookieMonster: and you don't get a frikkin  :cookie:! I LOVE MY JOB!

Welcome, and get off my thready plx.

Did anyone even join last time?


Ŵħŷ  đõ  ĩť?

Dude, Spation, I'm laughing my ass off doing this.

Just leave him to his work, Soation. :P

İ ŵąş ĵőĸĩńĝ

Vain oh so vain are you Aducky.

I'm making a clan, please join.

Aducky rules

You made a Duck clan already


Dumbells.  This was posted LAST YEAR.  I've changed quite abit.  First of all, I've aquired a brain.  Get your facts correct before you call me vain.