Author Topic: ,  (Read 1027 times)

« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 08:02:57 PM by vv45689 »

You mean on his in-game avatar?

Ok he makes killer bricks but he stool my purple and black pattern an its annoying me gahhhhhhhh!!!
... Dude... with the avatars there are no stealing... except with the decals...

... Dude... with the avatars there are no stealing... except with the decals...


Ontopic: Cry some more, in-game avatars mean nothing.

i got the co-nvm locked

Edit:not locked but forget it

Oh no! Someone happened to almost use the same color scheme as you!

Call the press!

i got the co-nvm locked

Edit:not locked but forget it

Too late. The damage has been done.

... Dude... with the avatars there are no stealing... except with the decals...
Downloadable content
Decals and faces. (Client-sided)
If you are using custom faces or chest decals, only those who also have that same file downloaded will be able to see it. Otherwise they see the regular happy face and/or a blank decal.

Lol at how he deleted everything with '