Author Topic: Just finished semester tests  (Read 1895 times)

Welcome to 90% of the world's population. :/

Help lower that percent.

Anyway, even being a teacher. You only need to know the subject you teach. Younger classes you don't even need that you can just look at the book. :/

You should spend more time on English.

Yup, algebra is useless. No reason ever to know how to do basic maths. :/

So you don't sound like a prick and use stereotypes.
English is too easy, I barely need to focus on that because I already focused on it so much, that focusing on that would be too much focus for one subject.

English is too easy, I barely need to focus on that because I already focused on it so much, that focusing on that would be too much focus for one subject.

This needs revision.

I just finished semester testing for the year. and I had to do  take social studies as the final test. I ignored social studies and focused my attention on the more important subjects, which include. Like: math, reading, language arts and art/music. I am done after 3 long days of tests.

Drat. I better pick up an instrament...
You can do art or drama

Well have fun wallowing in your ignorance of the world around you.

Social Studies has actually helped me this year a lot more than my English class has, since in Social Studies I learned about argumentative errors and how to write an argumentative essay.
Even though I still suck at those essays, I know a little more about them now and I am actually inspired to continue work in the Social Studies and such; even though its completely due to my teacher.