Author Topic: A guideline for dealing with spam.  (Read 1160 times)

OK, if someone is posting a message about "How roblox is betr" Then just ignore it. Flag the post and leave it alone. If you say that they are a dumbass or insult them, that is just feeding them, and the spam doubles. Let the moderators deal with stuff like that, it's none of your business. Note that this is a guideline, you dont HAVE to do this, but it will help.

We've been over this with them 1000 times.  It ain't going to change.

How is it i allways forget to report to moderator?

We've been over this with them 1000 times.  It ain't going to change.
Exactly. There's always still people (Whom I won't name) who keep going "STOP FEEDING THEM" but end up doing so.

I agree. Dont reply to this topic.
I fed him :P

Dont reply to this topic.
Hypocrite. This had just died, was there any importance in bumping it?