Author Topic: Keahiboy808  (Read 649 times)

I was in xC's server and apperently he had an admin there who was a prick. I spawn, and check out his AFK pods, then go over to this Keahi, which is his name ingame, and looked at what he was doing. He was making a thing which said somthing like "xC kills his freinds an-" then xC clears bricks, I laugh and then he kicks me.

When I come back, because I actualy wanted to be there, he says the reason he kicked me is because I tried to destroy his stuff. I then say "The monday kicked me :c" and he says "forgeter, I'm asian." Then I try to reply and he kicks me again.

I rejoin and I say, "xC, Un-Admin the asian prick." He does and then Keahi flips out. xC bans him and then he spams xC's IRC and then I message him this- Lol's insue.

Let me add to this topic.

I would recommend avoiding giving admin rights to Keahi, as he takes everyone way too seriously. A little joke will turn into a kick, and another kick, and another kick, and you have to de-admin him temporarily so he stops. Then, he leaves you with a sad message, leaves, and tells you on IRC that he's "leaving forever" or says "i'm never coming back" etc. etc. etc.  and sure enough, within a day or two, he's back, and does the exact same thing within a few minutes. If you don't let him be an admin again, he'll be silent. In the end, I was forced to ban him permanently.

Time to add to my ID list of people to ban in the future. Someone should make an "unofficial blacklist" of all the idiots from drama and ingame.

Time to add to my ID list of people to ban in the future. Someone should make an "unofficial blacklist" of all the idiots from drama and ingame.
Whenever this happens, people who should be on the list themselves are often the ones contributing.

Are you saying I should be on a universal ban list? :3

She meant heedi, you never said you were creating a list.

She meant heedi, you never said you were creating a list.
Avatars make fools of us all...I guess in this case.

God, that child is an idiot. I seen him today on my Build a Spcae Ship serve though, wasn't that bad. Atleast for the 10 minutes he was there.

xC's server just attracts idiots don't it?

xC's server just attracts idiots don't it?
Yes, quite.
Well, the more entertainemnt for us.


She meant heedi, you never said you were creating a list.
"She" never exactly meant me. It was a statement saying people who contribute should be on the list.