Author Topic: Moar bang for my buck, er, i mean PC  (Read 3993 times)

We now got 3326 MB of memory (RAM), we used to have like 200 and something, but now we got 2 more memory sticks to fill up the last 2 spots we had, so we got a total of 3 GB, even though it's supposed to be 4, oh well, anyway, we got more RAM, my brother was hogging the PC, as usual, he tried Ultimate Baseball Online with music playing, and he said it worked better than it did before we had all this RAM

Yey (Also, that "Bang for my buck" thing was from Halo 3, only it was "More bang for your buck", i just changed it up a bit :P )

Was Halo 3 seriously the first time you've heard that phrase?


if you think you should have 4, its because your using a 32bit windows.
it cant see more then like 3.4g ram

Don't forget the RAM limit on 32 bit windows also includes any video RAM.

Hmm, my PC is 32bit, so yeah, i guess that's why it doesn't say 4 GB :/

Hmm, my PC is 32bit, so yeah, i guess that's why it doesn't say 4 GB :/

64 bit Vista for me :3

Hmm, my PC is 32bit, so yeah, i guess that's why it doesn't say 4 GB :/

64 bit Vista for me :3

yay me too