Author Topic: Wtf is with the sudden disasters?  (Read 884 times)

My neighbors old truck just lit on fire and some guy used his truck to yank it outta the garage before that house was on fire also. The fire trucks kept coming when it was out O.o

did you record it?

I want to see :3

Wtf is with the sudden disasters?

stuff happens, It has been happening for all of recorded history and I have a feeling that it will always be happening.

No D: I have no cams, well I have one but it's dead.

Five days ago my dad got his car totaled on the same day we were moving out of state. It wasn't even his fault and he hadn't got in a car wreck for at least ten years until then. He had to take back the trailer, poor U-haul couldn't pull anything except our furniture...

stuff happens.