Author Topic: Radial's Clan  (Read 1125 times)

Ok I feel like making a clan and I know it will turn out in either two different ways, Win, or Epic failer.

I have not though of the name, can't create servers, and I don't have a website designed. You can post if you want to join, and i know who you are (...i think... :panda:), and if you can build good. You will need an app, but i will recrd the people who want to join.

Apps: You can make an appin these different ways: Addon, build, or map.

I would like some one who would want to join, and can create servers, they would be designated leader to. All clan members will get admin in servers, and leaders will get super.


Hai radial! Ill join! (i dont paly BL everyday, but sometimes)
I can host though!

ok, what will it be called..... :cookieMonster:

be carful picking a name. a clan usualy has a purpouse/theme and the name describes this

Hmm, when most people want to start clans they usually have an idea of what the concept of the clans name is weither if its building, dm's, skiing etc. you should probabaly have atleast have a start on the website and be more orgainsed before posting this on the forums. Anyway good luck with it!!