TFL (Team Fortress Lovers)

Author Topic: TFL (Team Fortress Lovers)  (Read 1599 times)

This is a clan for people who love Seige DMs or TF2 or TF1.

Our meetings are about planing Seige DMs, Building them, or How the clan is doing.

To join:

You must have Team DM for blockland and the Seige Add-on, I'll go to the server (make sure you have plenty of guns), If the DM is great I will allow you to get in, if it's bad... No Entry! Also no square houses we need plenty of bricks in the DMs, good for brick demolition for the attackers, also more than 10 guns.

Meetings and How to get there:

If you see a sever with [TFL] Go to it. Also you can make one if you are a leader. If i'm not playing blockland it's usually becuse I'm too lazy or doing my homework so dont bother.

First Meeting:

Next Monday 1:00 pm

Hope you guys Join  :cookieMonster:

Hmmm. When is next Monday? Like what date is it and what will it be called "The server"
I am building my first TDM right now but I have traders color set and some of the colors might not work.

Hmmm. When is next Monday? Like what date is it and what will it be called "The server"
I am building my first TDM right now but I have traders color set and some of the colors might not work.

Big bump.

The clan seems dead

Fanclub clans always fail. Just like the Trader Fan Club.