Author Topic: Virus Devs  (Read 1755 times)

Most viruses have the ultimate aim of making people money, either by advertising or making you install bogus antivirus software.

All viruses suck ass. I think I got rid of this one, we can only hope.

I have been hacked by these losers many times. They are usually losers who have no friends at all. They have only got horrible attention online due to being jerks. They're losers, trust me. I've seen a hacker in person.

I've never had a virus, unless you count the ones my parents got on my computer >:C

The only virus I've had the risk of getting was conficker. It said that most computers with Vista should be shut down for the remainder of April Fools Day. I didn't get it, but 5 people I know got it.

The only virus I've had the risk of getting was conficker. It said that most computers with Vista should be shut down for the remainder of April Fools Day. I didn't get it, but 5 people I know got it.

That would suck ass.

God dammit, the stupid Windows Police Pro [/fraud] keeps regenerating.

That would suck ass.

God dammit, the stupid Windows Police Pro [/fraud] keeps regenerating.

I haven't gotten a virus in years.
Hell, not even spyware/adware.

One of the big reasons that viruses are made is for identity theft

One of the big reasons that viruses are made is for identity theft
That is the EXACT reason I can't use my AP in AeriaGames. Some bitch stole my paypal :(

Mcafee Firewall + Windows Firewall = Condom for the internet.
Trust me, I havent gotten a virus in 2 years now.

AVG Free + Being smart + Scanning regularly + Auto Shotgun = my condom of the internet.

Virus's are my friend LOL.
It's like this....
Me:"Hai virus please go away."
Virus:"What if I don't want to?"
Me:"I'll be your friend."
Virus:"I've never had a friend."
Me:"K, bai."
Virus:"bye now."
End of story :D

I hate those geeks also. If you have the urge to ruin a person's computer, just do it to your own computer.

Thanks, but surprisingly, I got rid of it manually.

AVG Free + Being smart + Scanning regularly + Auto Shotgun = my condom of the internet.

Lol, I like the comparison.