Author Topic: Zombieland  (Read 1610 times)

All this is is a movie version of left 4 dead.
I don't see the big deal about it.

 You sir, are handicapped.

I'll wait until it comes on DVD, then I can get it, without any issues.  (Friend owns a Store near me, rents out movies.   :D  )

But you run out of popcorn :(

It's simply horrifying watching movies without popcorn.
My favorite part is that it costs $200

All this is is a movie version of left 4 dead.
I don't see the big deal about it.
Isn't that a good thing? And it has nothing to do with L4D. It's similar in the sense that it's a team of people killing zombies but this has a story and tons of humor.

Where are you yellow bastards?

Ugh, Mr. Pibb. That Dr. Pepper impersonator. Disgusts me.

Yeah, mah bro is into Zombies (along wit me) so he'll probably take me.
[melancholy] If not, I'll just wait. [/melancholy]
Personally I like mr. pibb over Dr. pepper(tastes like cough syrup).

Saw it. It was awesome. It was really funny and really cool. Discuss.

A bit too gory for my taste. But overall, good.

Did anyone see that it was filmed where I live :I Like in my city place

WHOA! The movie was filmed where I live!
Did anyone see that it was filmed where I live :I Like in my city place
I believe we get the point

Depends on the theater. My local theater lets me in mostly because teens and people I know work there but at AMC they don't let me in unless I'm with an adult. I just buy a ticket for a different movie that's not rated R and walk into the movie I want to see.
And sometimes me and my friends do a "double feature" where we finish a movie and simply walk into another one.
1:in my local theator, "THE RAVE" they don't care how old you are, if you wanted to see a rated R movie you have to have an adult with you or someone that looks like they're 18.
2:if i wanted to, just because of it's lack in "theator police"(guys that walk around the theator building with flashlights) and camera's i could just walk from the movie i just saw to another movie if my freind/reletive was up to it.

You sir, are handicapped.
I happen to agree with him. You sir, are horribly biased.