Author Topic: [MBC] Maxwell's Building Clan  (Read 591 times)

[MBC] Maxwell's Building Clan


Not much to say except, we are a group of people. Who enjoy helping each other and building together. We don't really focus on a certain type of building style. Only focus on the stuff we know how to build good.

  • We were born on 10/19/2009 :D

How to Apply

Applying for this Clan isn't going to be greatly difficult, but at least somewhat difficult. Our expectations aren't too high, but are above Average I would say. The build most be at least 500+ bricks. You can post pictures of your Application on the Clan topic, or in Gallery. Please post your name and BL_ID in your application. Whichever you prefer more. Also even if your building skills are good, you'll get in but if I notice your an starfish you'll be kicked out shortly afterward.


  • Maxwell (BL_ID: 1588)
  • Bongo (BL_ID: 7876)


« Last Edit: October 19, 2009, 05:51:02 PM by TheArchitect »

yay, not a over the top clan

Nice, you've got a clan. I may app.