Author Topic: Fight Club 10th Anniversary  (Read 752 times)

well it's tomorrow (the 17th), and they're releasing it on Blu-Ray in HD. this has to be one of the best movies i've ever seen, if not the best.


so yeah, if you haven't seen it yet, you have to.

Fight Club
Looks like... fun?

i don't even have anything that reads blu-ray and i'm tempted to buy it.

Edward Norton is the loveiest man alive.

Edward Norton is the loveiest man alive.
I lol'd. Bisjac's not number one anymore.

Bisjac is a lovey beast, not a man.

Edward Norton is whatever you want him to be.

Edward Norton is whatever you want him to be.

Edward Norton protects peoples PC's.

Edward Norton is whatever you want him to be.
He is Jack's bowel cancer.