Author Topic: setScreenColor  (Read 366 times)

I thought it would be neat if blockland had a more extensive way of coloring the screens of clients. Currently we have the red damage flash, a whiteout, and a blackout which I've heard was buggy or not working. There should be a way for the server to use any color it wants for this.

It would include:
Immediately cancels fading and sets the client's screen to the specified color, with alpha being how faded it is, 255 coloring the entire screen.

Takes the current screen color and transitions to the specified color.

Returns what the color of the screen is currently set to as a string: "R G B A."

Possible applications:

Hallucinoegic weapons could display odd colors, obscuring view slightly and distracting viewers.

Teleportation effects.

When near death, the screen could begin to fade to black, providing an indication of being near death without adding in a distracting healthbar or numerical indicator.

Large explosion could simulate a very bright flash by blinding people looking at them.

I do realize there are possibilities for abuse in this, but most of are already possible with a damage flash or whiteout. Dunno what else to say besides "Discuss."
Oh, and inb4CaptainObviousSays"Not possible without engine changes."

So that there's no "first post" thing, good idea.