Author Topic: Tutorial Home  (Read 882 times)

A neat little home I made in the tutorial.

I'm the guy sitting in the corner couch.

I'm the guy in the chair.

I'm the guy with the wrenchaxe, this area was poorly made I say.

I'll try and get more pics. I say I did a good job with photographing it.
« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 12:04:47 PM by HellHound »

Whats the last pic supposed to be of?

« Last Edit: December 23, 2009, 05:53:03 PM by Masterlegodude »

Lol, he copied and pasted.

Nice house though.

You mean the red thing to the left?

Is there some kind of new "I don't know lefts and rights" meme :o?

Is there some kind of new "I don't know lefts and rights" meme :o?
There are two axes, i just thought i'd refer to the one on the left... wait... oh, now i see what you mean...

There are two axes, i just thought i'd refer to the one on the left... wait... oh, now i see what you mean...
I was holding one. Lol