Author Topic: Villagescape *BETA*  (Read 1370 times)


v1: Hello, it’s me: Gothboy77 aka CaptainBaddass.
As you all know, I have been working on a recent mod called
Villagescape RPG. Similar to runescape…but its not.
It has a nice mining system, with mining EXP. A tree cutting EXP system with different types of trees and ores. Not far from runescape eh? Well, my Villagescape RPG also has a UNIQUE crime system. If you have ever played AoT, the you will know what I am talking about. When you attack an innocent town member (bot) a couple seconds later you are jailed, then the client tells you why you were jailed. 30 seconds later, you are released. BUT every time you are thrown in jail, a crime is added to your record. If you get more than 5 crimes without paying them off. (30 gold for each crime you want to pay off.)
Then you become WANTED. A chat message will tell me if you are wanted. If you are WANTED, you are not able to buy items, and you cannot enter any towns that have a police force in them...well, you can, but the officer will say "HEY YOU, YOUR WANTED!" and attack you. You will most likely be killed, and lose all your gold...But then your crimes are instantly set to 4. (so he doesn’t keep killing so you have a chance to earn gold.)
There is also a neat weather system which includes

v2: An INFO station was added to Aphee village explaining game play and other various questions. Added a new map: Fuji Cave. Refined gold system and fixed some other minor bugs.

v3: Added an upstairs to the INFO station called the UPGRADE shop. Level system added. Level system based off 3 attributes. Strength, Wisdom, Spirit. Created crosses that you pray to (spirit.)
All enemies now give you strength after they are killed. Various books give you wisdom. Also added in a quest system. So far we have (1) quests “Lost Ring” available. Fixed a couple minor bugs. Added a new map: Moroco Mountains. Added a boss fight (quest only.) Added a smithy to smelt ores and make weapons with them. (also costs gold.) added a few more secret areas.

-Zombie Clown
-Jeepa Da Creepa

I wanted to know if any of you: my fellow RTB friends would like to be beta testers and even HELP me build this wonderful RPG. I am looking for good builders, good eventers, and people with GOOD ideas: Not nooby, OMG ITS RUNESCAPE ideas. Thanks.
I will allow up to 5 beta testers.

V1 pics

V2 pics

V3 pics

The following post was quoted off of RTB forums by CaptainBaddass.

I'm here to post this for him since he got banned by his little bro.
« Last Edit: June 08, 2010, 05:39:28 PM by Killer2 »

This is slightly interesting. But I must inquire, why does that rope bridge only have one side with rope?

Didn't make it, Like the post says, that was made before he got beta testers. But I now have become a builder in this and made some shops in the newest addition to the project.


Don't forget CityKingdomCastlevaniascape.

None of the stuff I made was built by me. Read the OP.

None of the stuff I made was built by me. Read the OP.


I have built some stuff, but I have no photos of it on. And as I said in the OP, I quoted that main post. The only reason It doesn't have that quote box, is cause it would have looked bad.

This is slightly interesting. But I must inquire, why does that rope bridge only have one side with rope?

The bridge is smufed up cause when you walk on part of it, you fall though.