Author Topic: Badspot please reply.  (Read 3548 times)


  • Administrator
How many times do we have to say Retail is pay once before they actually figure it out?
Once for every time someone asks the question.

Can they not learn by seeing the answer when we give it to someone else?  Or maybe they just don't bother using search... I also think it's in the FAQ on

does the word "Blockland" mean anything to you?

Either I am really really tired or you are drunk because that made no sense to me whatsoever.

i think he means "We are on blockland forums what do you expect?!"

Yeha I thought about that, this isn't exactly the most intelligent place I have ever been, if it wasn't for people like Wedge and NKL I would have run away LONG ago.

brainy people scare me

I think they are more afraid of you then you are of them though.

I get scared of people like you.

The only reason why I haven't gone crazy and chucked a pshyce at the RTB community already is because of people like Wedge, who actually post sensible and worthwhile replies.