Author Topic: Hi  (Read 3590 times)

heres one of them

the ones that are dead are our clan site)and forum)

My clan was called TLB(The Last Battalion)
there where others too BEF(Best Elete Forces)
and last but not least [!!!]

Hello! Welcome to hell! I suggest you do not play this game, unless you like the following:

 - spam
 - flaming
 - spam
 - Grammar national socialist's
 - spam
 - homoloveuality
 - spam
 - communist clans
 - spam
 - noobs
 - spam

If you enjoy all those things, then like everyone else in the community, you just won't fit in.

lol joking

In other news...
I assure you that not everybody here is as handicapped as you may think when browsing around.

And I haven't been here nearly as long as most people, but I can already tell you that Darklight is the uber forum troll...stay away.

lol, you haven't met Funkymun1, have you?

You forgot normal national socialists, obese 8 year olds, tyrants, dictators, and hell itself.

Also, watch out for aggresive noob's they tend to hunt around here

* The Unknown looks around with a firm grip on his axe

so yeah welcome here.

Mojo: Funkymun1 was the original spammer/troller/general asshat. He'd start threads like:

Title: lol
Thread contents: u suk

or he'd go out of his way to spend his whole day posting on every board with the same stuff or whatever.

Hello! Welcome to hell! I suggest you do not play this game, unless you like the following:

 - Grammar national socialist's

If you enjoy all those things, then like everyone else in the community, you just won't fit in.

lol joking

You forgot normal national socialists, obese 8 year olds, tyrants, dictators, and hell itself.
Haha, Anarki said national socialist's which is all wrong. Kaphix is right though...

Oh and Funkymun1 once appollogised for his spam, but nobody with half a monkey's brain forgave the freak.

roflmao! you guys are alright.

- spam
 - flaming
 - spam
 - Grammar national socialist's
 - spam
 - homoloveuality
 - spam
 - communist clans
 - spam
 - noobs
 - spam

P.s homo? you guys are messed up