
What should be our main priority for now?

0 (0%)
3D Vision
3 (100%)
Blocko Sound
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Author Topic: Brick Hill Studios-"Blockland at its Best"  (Read 3362 times)

"Blockland at its Best"

Brick Hill Studios dedicate their time to making great Blockland movies for you. Now a lot of people say they are going to make movies, but never actually make them. Thanks to them, the Blockland community doesn't have much faith in Blockland movies and tend to assume the movies will crash and burn, but we make a promise to deliver good movies with 100% effort put into each one.

Dead World
Lord of the Bricks
James Block
Please note these are not all the movies we are going to make.

Physical Actor: Sign up for this job if you are highly available on Blockland to act.
Vocal Actor: We need voices for our movies, now i dont mind doing them myself, but It would be nice to have others pitching in.
Set Buidler: We need lots of sets built for our movies
Animator: Animation will be used a lot in our films and I don't want to be the only one doing it.
Scripter: We need Scripters to script add-ons that our modellers have made.
Modeller: Modellers are needed to make add-ons for our movies.

I use the full version of fraps for filming, Sony Vegas Pro 9 for constructing and editing the video, Blender for animation and Adobe After Effects CS5.
Here at Brick Hill Studios, we are working on making the first ever Blockland 3D movies and thanks to youtubes HD video settings and 3D enabled programing, uploading them should be easy.

To apply simply post the completed form below and make a movie studio caravan on a 16x32 baseplate.
Forum name:
In-game name:

« Last Edit: September 08, 2010, 11:02:05 AM by agent132 »

Nice layout, But it needs more information.

Oh stuff not another one!

Added more information.

3D as in what sense? Popping out of screen? Or awesome animation effects?

Proper 3D with glasses

Proper 3D with glasses
Real 3D or the crappy red and blue?

caen i joiun pls?!?!!!111one1  :cookie: :cookieMonster: :cookie: :roosterie

Real 3D or the crappy red and blue?

Not the crappy red and blue glasses, proper 3D glasses, allot of the Uk have them thanks to Channel 4s 3D weekend or something.

caen i joiun pls?!?!!!111one1  :cookie: :cookieMonster: :cookie: :roosterie

Thanks to my new ipod touch 64GB I will be able to check this forum while im at school.

On Topic: I am currently working on the new sound division, Blocko Sound. Its job is to gather sound effects and make theme tunes/music for you movies.

Brick Hill Studios are now in partnership with Blockwards.
This will almost certainly kickstart movie making and bring Blocko Sound that small bit closer.

My computer is fixed and a sneak peak of Dead World WILL be out withing the next two days. Filming will be done when ever so anyone can pitch in.

Put your members in the OP.