Author Topic: Avatar: The Last Airbender  (Read 3214 times)

a 12 year old girl whos blind And kicks peoples asses

What I'm saying is I'm going to watch the movie and see if his comments are true. Watch from netflex that is :U
Dah crap... I miss took you for the Swholli

 forget this movie.

I totally agree with your review, and I skipped the comments from pages 2 and 3 lol.
I looked on yahoo, the critics gave it a D+. Normally on any movie they're all "OMG OMG A A A A" even if it's an awful movie. The user rating was C.

I'm going to add a little bit to your review.
I was, and still am, a big fan of the show on TV. I'm watching it through again on Netfix.

First off, with the actors and names. Aang, Ung. Sokka, was pronounced with a high O. General Airo(Not sure on the spelling.) in the show had a high I sound, now it was Ero.
Whoever decided that the actor for Sokka was good, I can tell you I want whatever he's smoking. The actor for Sokka was downright awful.
General Airo(?) was fat in the cartoon. The actor was not even pudgy :( He didn't have that age to him or any of the accent. All of the firebenders were (No offense intended) Indian. The earthbenders were Asian, okay. The waterbenders were all Caucasian. And who knows what the airbenders were. Aangs favourite monk, was black. Some were white, and I think some were even Mexican. I thought that all of the four nations were more of a general Asian?(Again no offense was intended in this paragraph.)

M.Night Shyamalan, where to start? He is the person behind the movie Signs, and some other good/semigood ones. He probably was the worst person to make this film. He tries putting the story into awful dialogue. Example? Out of the blue, when you have no clue where they are and what's going on. One of the actors would randomly blurt out some line that had to of taken 2 seconds to think of. "OH MY GOD YOUR NAME IS ZUKO! YOU NEED TO RESTORE YOUR HONOR!" Then they would do a big fight. The CG was very good, but that's probably the only good thing in this movie.

Somewhat near the end Aang spoke to Roku's dragon, not Roku, who told him that Aang must not fight anyone. Total contradiction from the show. Aang, in the final fight, brought up a massive tidal wave, and I was expecting him to crash it down on the Fire Nation ships. The Fire Nation fled, tidal wave just went back into the water. Nothing, boring.

Like you said, the movie was scrunched so tightly, that you would be in one place, then two seconds later you were fighting the Fire Nation in the North Pole.

Main scenes that should have added into the main story, were just simple scenes. The scene where they got imprisoned by the Fire Nation, which was supposed to be on a massive boat/floating jail, was probably 5 minutes, fight and all. They then got the waterbending scroll from the saved village, which was supposed to be gained by Katara stealing it from pirates. Haru(?) in the show was Katara's age and they fell in love, the person I think was supposed to take his place was probably eight years old.

I feel bad for the people like me that expected something just like, or similar at least, to the show will be very disappointed.

tl:dr: The story was bad, most of the actors were bad. The CG was good, which was probably the only enjoyable part of the movie. M.Night Shyamalon is a terrible person for ruining a good story.

Ah, it felt good to let that rant out.

Avatar: The Last Airblender

Avatar: The Last Airblender
I love a good Airblend shake!