Author Topic: pvtcastro, Fizzle and super_sniper - no mods are on, let's spam irc  (Read 3616 times)

*walks in* Ike, why are you doing this...blah blah....yada yada... you know the drill *walks out*

You're tempting me to make a topic about you. I'm sure many wouldn't disagree with this.


You're tempting me to make a topic about you. I'm sure many wouldn't disagree with this.
Meh, it was more of a joke that time.

Sorry for mass drama topics, I should just make an Ike The Generic is mad at people megathread lol

oh yes and this happened exactly seven minutes ago btw
your dramas are awsome.
do me next ;D


I think these people are homoloveual at the same time.
     Just because the mods are off DOES NOT MEAN IT IS COOL TO SPAM

Hey uh, sorry about that. I was just being stupid is all. No hard feelings?

Damnit Ike, 3rd drama, lol.

Anyways they seem forgety.
I would Like to personally apologize to this person who thinks strongly about me (Jacky). Im sorry that I notified people about blockbot not being on.

Fizzle is nothing but a fizzle.  :cookieMonster:

I would Like to personally apologize to this person who thinks strongly about me (Jacky). Im sorry that I notified people about blockbot not being on.

You didn't just notify everybody, you spammed, too.

Oddly enough, Fizzle is a fundamentalist christain.

Extrude is loving annoying. He ruins all the fun.

Extrude is loving annoying. He ruins all the fun.
Get out.