Author Topic: Hall of Grey  (Read 988 times)

This is the place I built as the meeting place for Club Grey (Search "Club Grey"). It has four ornamental  pools in the corners, a table where we meet, a member counter, and observation deck, and a giant sign on top saying "Hall of Grey" More pics added later.
Pic 1: Observation Deck
Pic 2: Ornamental pools
Pic 3: Sidewalk and entrance

Well, the pics are horrible. I can't really judge the build yet...

Well, the pics are horrible.
i couldnt post the whole thing because it was too big.

i couldnt post the whole thing because it was too big.

Then figure out how to Image host.

Try this

Click the browse button to find your picture.
After that, click "Upload"
Type in the code you see.
When it finished uploading, look for a box that says on top "Forum"
Copy that code in the box and paste in a post.

Evil robots fly and change your topic title to, "Hall of Gay"  :cookieMonster:

Yea when you find out how to use Tinypic post more pics

Well its grey I'll give it that the name is right..... Its still stuff though.

ill get better pics of later builds. this something i did in one day. it is not pretty but it serves its purpose.