Author Topic: Retail  (Read 1996 times)


  • Guest
When we buy retail will we download it or get sent a CD? and where do us purchase it from?

Purchase from: PayPal
Download or sent a CD: CD i guess

Holy shit you're a cigarette. There are like 6 other topics up asking this question, all answered. ITS RIGHT BELOW THIS!


  • Guest
Purchase from: PayPal
Download or sent a CD: CD i guess

what the  frig are you talking about?
why the hell would badspot spend extra money to send you a're obviously going to download it off the website when u buy it, because techinically, all u're really buying is the code which you will use to sign in.

please know your information is correct before giving it to others.


  • Guest
not method lol where from? what site

You buy it then you download it numpty head.

Purchase from: PayPal
Download or sent a CD: CD i guess

what the  frig are you talking about?
why the hell would badspot spend extra money to send you a're obviously going to download it off the website when u buy it, because techinically, all u're really buying is the code which you will use to sign in.

please know your information is correct before giving it to others.
I guess, i meant that as in "i think its right" or "maybe, not quite sure" :cookieMonster:

Theres only one site where it'd be released.  Where else?

I hope there's a backup download site for all the people that reformat. But what if someone finds out that site D:

Badspots not going to put it onto a cd and send it to you. For one thing, if the disc breaks during shipping, the person is screwed. If it gets scratched somehow, screwed. He doesn't have some huge set of machines and CD's to jsut send off to people. I just don't know why someone would think it'd come on a CD....unless they just jonied and think Blockland is as big as WoW...


  • Guest
Blockland is as big as WoW...

oh someday it will be young lad...someday it will be. :)

1: I'll be 14 in June
2: I've been on Blockland since BLM died. Check my account, I registered maybe a month after I joined.

« Last Edit: February 10, 2007, 08:39:24 PM by (MoA) Shaun »

Blockland is as big as WoW...

oh someday it will be young lad...someday it will be. :)

And that will be the worst day in Blockland history...even worse than when 007 Craft announced he was leaving.