Author Topic: Spawn under map.  (Read 2467 times)

He said to post the log. If you don't know what the problem is, then why do you think you can interpret a console log better than one of us?

It sounds like have an add-on which overwrites the spawn system with one copied from some ancient version of torque, ignoring the part where it moves them to ground level. This is just a guess, but that would do something like this.

The fastest way to solve this would be to start a server, open the console, type:
in the console, start the minigame and spawn underground, then exit the game and post the full console log. The trace part is very important.

When do I do trace.

Just before you start the minigame. Try not to do much else between putting that in and starting it because everything that you will be logged in that console, down to your mouse movements.

Just before you start the minigame. Try not to do much else between putting that in and starting it because everything that you will be logged in that console, down to your mouse movements.
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