Author Topic: The "Know your game" game.  (Read 579 times)

This is a game which you can use to see how many people know your favorite game.

Here's how to play it.
Step 1:
Go to a busy spot (Like outside school, a marketplace, etc.)
Step 2:
Either scream the name of your favorite game, or scream "WHO LOVES ____?" out loud.
Step 3:
Write down how many people reacted, and how many people said something like "I know/love that game".
It's crazy, but it's also quite interesting to see how many people are around you who like the same game.

I screamed:
2 people reacted, and 1 guy said: Dude, you know that game too? I LOVE IT :D

Try it out :3

That's just like yelling "HEY YOU WITH THE FACE" and then counting how many people turn around.

That's just like yelling "HEY YOU WITH THE FACE" and then counting how many people turn around.
Note to self
Do this at halloween