Author Topic: Time Gun  (Read 723 times)

Yes, a time gun. A gun that can alter a player's timescale. Just simply point at a player, and he or she will turn to timescale 0.2, or back to timescale 1. You can only use the gun every 1:30 seconds. You cannot use it on admins, and can only zap the player for 1 minute, then goes backt to regular timescale. Basic Gun model, just different color, and Sound FX when fired.

It would have to change the client timescale, which is kind of glitchy. It'd have to change the entire server.

Yes, a time gun. A gun that can alter a player's timescale. Just simply point at a player, and he or she will turn to timescale 0.2, or back to timescale 1. You can only use the gun every 1:30 seconds. You cannot use it on admins, and can only zap the player for 1 minute, then goes backt to regular timescale. Basic Gun model, just different color, and Sound FX when fired.
This sounds cool, you could slow a player down so he/she would be easier to hit. But it would be...

Instead of Timescale, perhaps different move speed. It's the same thing(Sorta)(I mean it is what you are looking for), but that way, it wouldn't be UBER glitchy.....

Client timescale is the same as creating lag.


Instead of Timescale, perhaps different move speed. It's the same thing(Sorta)(I mean it is what you are looking for), but that way, it wouldn't be UBER glitchy.....
this,just make it come with a player type that is as slow as you are in 0.2 timescale.

Changing a timescale for one client would create problems in interacting with both the server and other clients. This can't easily be done. Also, why should an admin be immune to it? Admins don't deserve special advantages in deathmatches.