Author Topic: Truce's SUPER CUL SALVAGE MODE  (Read 9459 times)

See picture.

Hurr I'm not blind; that guy was climbing up to see if there was a base up there. He was also only half way up.

Hehehehe its me and Jirue discussing teammates in our rebellion.

On topic: Chrono uuhh i think you dragged this out too long buddy!
This is looong after the hoarding sky bases that I built.

Double posting is almost as fun as week long bumping, eh?

On topic: Chrono uuhh i think you dragged this out too long buddy!
This is looong after the hoarding sky bases that I built.

Dragged this out too long?
I made this topic over a week ago.

Hell yeah Dren.  :cookieMonster:
You just had to bump it, didn't you...