Author Topic: Ricochet Arrows  (Read 1102 times)

Can someone just edit the bow and arrow addon so the arrows slide off walls and send it to me? That would me awesome and i cant do it myself because no one would tell me how TO FRICKEN EDIT OR MAKE ADDONS!!!!!!!!
Anyways... please concider this.

We won't consider it because you can't take two seconds to type "how to make blockland addons" in Google, or just "addons tutorial" in the Blockland search. Fish your own fish.

If you want to play Ricochet, make a bunch of bricks with this:
onprojectilehit > projectile > bounce

The arrows already bounce if you shoot them at a steep enough angle.

wow... thnx for bringing my spirit down you three...
i cant find it on google or blockland forums...
i know it bounces off of a steep angle...
i just wanted a scripter to take out whatever script that makes the arrow stick to surfaces... sorry for wasting your time having to type in a comment like tht
 :panda: >:(

If you want to play Ricochet, make a bunch of bricks with this:
onprojectilehit > projectile > bounce
ohh, and no.

Maybe you could take something from the energy ball script to make it bounce.

no, i meant more like the frag grenade bounce so it doesnt stick to stuff, but it bounces continuously until it stops moving

Maybe you could take something from the energy ball script to make it bounce.

If you're not accepting help, then get off the forums.

he just repeated the other guy, i want help, its just that it makes me think he thinks im some idiot, i know what the energy ball  does, i was just making suggestions, can someone just make it?