Its loving old gtfo.
I don't want to see people making "Star Wars" maps, really I don't care how good you think you are. Most Star Wars maps never look like the original thing, my Star Destroyer map was only for fun and Deathmatches, I wasn't aiming for dead set detail. The last thing I want to see is some one make a map and call it Hoth when all it is, is a large field with snow on it. Coruscaunt is basically impossible to make unless you want to make miles of interiors which would lag and look stupid. Tatooine is another hard one to make, I wouldn't mind a small village on Tatooine with some houses that look like they are from Tatooine but that's it. Naboo has only Large area's, ether you make a field of Grass maybe with some statues or try to make the entire city's. The only time these types of maps should be done is for a Mod or a very well done Map-Pack, each map should be worked on for at least 2 weeks constructing and over viewing details.
Sorry if I sound like a total jackass but its my opinion on the matter, I don't like to see good things half-assed done. And in-case, it was wrong of me to try to do such things in the past (Only a n00b back then)