Author Topic: BL Needs a cave map!  (Read 2267 times)

sorry, saw my chance to post ;)

Back in vanilla, it was awesome. You just deleted a hole in the ground and could make a giant underground complex of sorts. However, the new brick-through terrain checks ruin this. interiors or static shapes are the way to go, however tend to look bad unless done correctly.

you could always disable the terrain check brick build thing

Please elaborate on how to do that if it's so easy.

You can always use a terrain block for the floor, and build up all the walls and ceilings with an interior.

My father always told me...
If you want something done...


Override trust checks.
But you and some other (inculding me) know how to do that.
It's not really friendly to use unless you are able to set up a proper dedicated server and not be there.

ugh! my noob brain cant take this! idk what u guys r saying! ;)

Like this? Or an actual map? /tolazytoread
« Last Edit: December 13, 2010, 08:02:35 PM by EndGame »

Um, not really. If you're terrible at creating interiors then yeah, otherwise using interiors is just fine.

The only real problem is that you cannot have the cave with any terrain. Why?

Well lets say you create a cave interior, then start a map and make a large mountain side to put your cave in. You can delete a square of the terrain which will allow you to go directly through the terrain block. Then you align your cave with that empty square and voila you have a cave. However you will not be able to build inside this cave. Every brick you try to place will receive the "Stuck" error, because everything is inside the mountain.

So if anyone makes a cave map, it will have to be just an interior floating in space.
Unless the mountain is an interior,