Author Topic: Thereafter [Blockland Movie - "IcyGammas Best Work"]  (Read 12853 times)

That was just awesome! Will you ever make another anytime soon? Because I want to help.

I kind of got bored and quit watching at 8:24, but up until the black and white area it was pretty good. I noticed you used some images like the radio and something else for props. I would be willing to model props for your next movie. That is, if there is going to be another movie. PM me if you're interested.

Wow, that was awesome.

Well devolved plot, interesting characters, and great back ground stories.
All my questions were answered.

If you're ever going to do this again I'll gladly lend my voice of Blockland character.
Keep up the good work!

Well, I sure am late to be seeing such a fantastic Blockland movie! It had some great camera angles(such as the scene when he jumps off the Beta City Tower and falls through the hole or the other ones when he's stuck in the monochromatic world)and voice acting, plus I love the huge cave/upright tunnel thing you built for his Self Delete scene. Adds a bit more realism :cookieMonster:

Yeah, it was really good, but your voice shows no emotion really. That was the only bad part.

Yeah, it was really good, but your voice shows no emotion really. That was the only bad part.
I didn't voice act at all, I only drove the car to Neotek :3

I cried during the movie about two times, Great storyline Icy.

I cried during the movie about two times, Great storyline Icy.

Which bits? I found it very emotional but not to that extent.

If he is afraid of the color blue, WHY does he have a blue tie on? :3

If he is afraid of the color blue, WHY does he have a blue tie on? :3


Read the goofs and trivia post which is only on the previous page.

Which bits? I found it very emotional but not to that extent.

The point when his daughter got hit by a car.

icygamma likes himself too much ho ho ho