Author Topic: NVM i fixed it  (Read 1689 times)

« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 07:13:03 PM by Combine Elite »

I don't see anything that even tries to mount it.

I don't see anything that even tries to mount it.
its based on the rocket luancher script..and i removed nothing
so WTF

Code: [Select]
//weapon image//
datablock ShapeBaseImageData(NUKEImage)
   // Basic Item properties
   shapeFile = "./shapes/NUKE.dts";
   emap = true;

   // Specify mount point & offset for 3rd person, and eye offset
   // for first person rendering.
   mountPoint = 0;
   offset = "0 0 0";
   eyeOffset = 0; //"0.7 1.2 -0.5";
   rotation = eulerToMatrix( "0 0 0" );

2nd edit
should i add this:
Code: [Select]
//function BowItem::onUse(%this, %player, %InvPosition)
// //check for quiver
// //if you dont have it, regular bow
// //if you do, super bow
// %client = %player.client;
// %mountPoint = %this.image.mountPoint;
// %mountedImage = %player.getMountedImage(%mountPoint);
// if(%mountedImage)
// {
// if(%mountedImage == bowImage.getId() || %mountedImage == superbowImage.getId())
// {
// //some kind of bow mounted so, unmount it
// %player.unMountImage(%mountPoint);
// messageClient(%client, 'MsgHilightInv', '', -1);
// %player.currWeaponSlot = -1;
// }
// else
// {
// //something other than bow mounted, so do bow selection and mount
// if(%player.getMountedImage($BackSlot))
// {
// if(%player.getMountedImage($BackSlot) == quiverImage.getId())
// {
// %player.mountimage(superBowImage, $RightHandSlot, 1, %skin);
// messageClient(%client, 'MsgHilightInv', '', %InvPosition);
// %player.currWeaponSlot = %invPosition;
// }
// else
// {
// %player.mountimage(bowImage, $RightHandSlot, 1, %skin);
// messageClient(%client, 'MsgHilightInv', '', %InvPosition);
// %player.currWeaponSlot = %invPosition;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// %player.mountimage(bowImage, $RightHandSlot, 1, %skin);
// messageClient(%client, 'MsgHilightInv', '', %InvPosition);
// %player.currWeaponSlot = %invPosition;
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// //nothing mounted so do bow selection and mount
// //something other than bow mounted, so do bow selection and mount
// if(%player.getMountedImage($BackSlot))
// {
// if(%player.getMountedImage($BackSlot) == quiverImage.getId())
// {
// %player.mountimage(superBowImage, $RightHandSlot, 1, %skin);
// messageClient(%client, 'MsgHilightInv', '', %InvPosition);
// %player.currWeaponSlot = %invPosition;
// }
// else
// {
// %player.mountimage(bowImage, $RightHandSlot, 1, %skin);
// messageClient(%client, 'MsgHilightInv', '', %InvPosition);
// %player.currWeaponSlot = %invPosition;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// %player.mountimage(bowImage, $RightHandSlot, 1, %skin);
// messageClient(%client, 'MsgHilightInv', '', %InvPosition);
// %player.currWeaponSlot = %invPosition;
// }
// }
but that script is old and from orginal bl
« Last Edit: March 14, 2007, 07:09:37 PM by Combine Elite »

Oh, didn't see that.

I really don't know how anything works in retail, that was just the most common problem people have had.  SO wait for someone who knows what they are talking about, and in the meantime look at other weapons.

Combine, don't just remove questions when you find the answers. Leave them as a reference to other people.

And why the hell would you add that crap about the bow?

Every single line is commented out anyway, so it would make no difference.