Author Topic: Lamborghini - By Pochyama  (Read 3196 times)

Here's a lamborghini Pochyama, or Jacky on the forums, built in my place. He is unable to take screenshots and asked me to post it.


Thanks, Halcyn.

I appreciate it, very much.

Kind of boxy and the lack of interior makes it look weird, but overall its good.

Back end looks a bit weird, maybe make it less slated at the back and have more flat space on the roof.

The rear seems much longer than the front. Also, those rear tires have a lot of space between them and the bumper/fenders.
Good effort trying to create a sports car, though.

Okay, thanks for the advice!

Wow. That's amazing. I wouldn't try to make an interior though...

You should had added an interior before posting.
I find interiors easier to make than the outside.

You should had added an interior before posting.
I find interiors easier to make than the outside.
Due to the short height of the car, People can't get in. It would be too cramped.

But I guess i could of added it for looks :o

that was a lamborgihini?

that was only recognizable as a car because of the wheels.

that was only recognizable as a car because of the wheels.

why would you post this it isn't even good

why would you post this it isn't even good
It's definitley good enough to be worth posting, it looks pretty good in my opinion and you are just being an ass.