Author Topic: what is a clan server ?  (Read 909 times)

what is a clan server plz
tell me  :cookieMonster: :cookie:

What do you mean "clan server?"

Do you mean LAN server?

a server hosted for or by a clan?

He proboly doesnt know what Clan means......

A Clan server is usually like a server for people from a certain clan like for instance the KcC clan has a server called "Archer the Greats Space Ship Build" and when people join ussually most people there are from the KcC clan

A Clan server is usually like a server for people from a certain clan like for instance the KcC clan has a server called "Archer the Greats Space Ship Build" and when people join ussually most people there are from the KcC clan
At first I thought you said kool kids klub, but it is IS 3 in the morning so.

Do any of you know how to spell.

i can spell, so can funnel

Clan server is a server where it is reserved for the clan's members and discusses/builds (Hence iEvent's server or [C])

A Clan server is where members can go in it and discuss stuff about the clan, or even make a contributive build, which is dedicated to the clan members.