Author Topic: Is it possible to recieve malware from just viewing a site?  (Read 872 times)

I happened to view this site trying to steal a password from a game I don't play via Facebook, thinking it was relevant to the news of hackers in that game. Unfortunately it was a link to go to a website distributing a hack, and ultimately scamming you.
The website looked safe as long as you didn't "Sign-In" (Phish) or "Download hack" (Malware).
But the question is, was it really safe to view it and then close the tab?

its very possible
I'm looking at the severe stuff, not small stuff like "tracking cookies".
Is it still that way?

I'm looking at the severe stuff, not small stuff like "tracking cookies".
Is it still that way?
In some cases, I think so.

I'm looking at the severe stuff, not small stuff like "tracking cookies".
Is it still that way?
I got a virus from it that spawned a fake virus scan.
I scanned right norton and found the file and deleted it

I got a virus from it that spawned a fake virus scan.
I scanned right norton and found the file and deleted it

I'm looking at the severe stuff, not small stuff like "tracking cookies".
Is it still that way?
In some cases,
yes, because every time you view a website you download the webpage from their server.

If the website were to host a file that contained malware that jumped from your internet browser's temporary files / cache / whereever webpages are stored when loaded to your computer, then you'd be infected.

The site was a "Free hosting site", for example, "Name"."Host's name".com
Most of the websites that are most malicious aren't hosted like that.

I believe I am just being paranoid about this, although I'd like to get responses from other people.

Hacks aren't cool br0.
They aren't. There was much talk about this game that I used to play getting hacked recently; a racing game where hackers made themselves into tanks and I looked into the news.
Then a guy posted a link w/o any information and I thought it could lead into more info about the story.