Author Topic: Controller - You control ever aspect of this adventure.  (Read 2069 times)

This is an adventure told by you.
Basically this thread will start out with nothing except these few lines of  explanation, and then you tell me what to do next.

The game will be unicycle hero
You gain points by playing the correct chords on your unicycle.

The points idea is stupid.

Title Screen.
Unicycle Hero!

There is:

           Start Game
          Load Old Game
            Tricks & Tips
             Exit Game

Unicycle Hero!

- Start GAME!
- Load Old Game -
- Options -
- Tricks & Tips -
- Exit Game -

The main character is a ODST power armour trooper

The main character is now aN ODST Power Armour Trooper.

asa's mind is currently full of forget.

When the user presses the Start Game button, their head explodes, and then they respawn as a child once again, only for four years to pass to be able to play the game again.

the main character has 13 testicals and can produce and launch sperm at the speed of light.

The user banned Asa's work on the topic from working!

It's super effective.

in before the flamewar.

... -loads flamethrower.-

-waits for someone to say something usefull so I can continue on with the thread-