Author Topic: NEW CLAN!!!  (Read 2494 times)

Hey, I'm starting a new clan but no one can join a server from my comp. DO i have to buy one or wut?

Why do ywe have... uhoh I sid that loudly, but anyways start a server. It isn't hard. On the main menu, click Start Server. And nobody just instantly grabs to the idea of a new server being up.

How long should i wait though? Ive waited 1- 1/2 hrs and no one jions

If you use a HUB for High Speed Internet, You may need to Port Foward.

i think port forwarding is way to complicated

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: July 09, 2007, 02:10:11 PM by Badspot »

^May I ask why the ban?

Ya, Whys He Banned ??!?!??!

Look at the dates.

Its a 2 year old topic that has been bumped.

Poor noob who searched for "port forwarding" and replyed.
