Author Topic: First-Person Death Camera  (Read 403 times)

Something I've been thinking about for a while now. We all know how in a deathmatch with lives, when you're out of lives you have a free camera floating around or you can look at the game from someone's point of view - but only from third person. If it's at all possible, I should very much like to be able to look at the game from someone's first-person.

That's probably possible, but it wouldn't be quite the same, as you can't fully view someone's first-person, only mount your camera to their face.

This is a similar idea: When you die, instead of watching your body until respawn, you stay in third person after dieing.

I thought it would be death from your own point of view in first person.

I thought it would be death from your own point of view in first person.
That was my idea, i would love it if it was made.

...Wait, what?

I thought this was already part of Gamemode_Deathmatch. Guess not.