Bug when building to high?

Author Topic: Bug when building to high?  (Read 2889 times)

I noticed that when people build something really far above or below the map, you start seeing bricks that are being built on the map.

This happened on [IRK] clan server.
KITTY was building giant stairs, and once they went high enough we started seeing bricks being built out of no where in mid air, we could also walk through those bricks so it's like they were never there.
Once I Self Deleted I saw those builds in the bedroom.

Also, I might be wrong, but I think it only does this with macros, both "illusion" bricks we saw were macros people made and we saw them up high, no non-macroed bricks were appearing.
I'm guessing this is because we went over the sky-box, but than why do only macroed bricks appear?

4. The oct tree gets confused sometimes and you end up with bits of geometry (and sometimes whole buildings) appearing in 2 places at the same time.  Usually really far apart

This happends a lot on big save files.

Update: Bugs 1 and 3 are fixed.  If anyone has a repeat case for 2 or 4, I'd be very interested.
That save I posted works for 2, and 4 occasionally

4. The oct tree gets confused sometimes and you end up with bits of geometry (and sometimes whole buildings) appearing in 2 places at the same time.  Usually really far apart

This happends a lot on big save files.

On the Badspot Cathedral Server, half the bricks appeared to the side, I attached a screenshot below:

Middle right in that screenshot, another brick is missing it's side O_o


  • Administrator
4. The oct tree gets confused sometimes and you end up with bits of geometry (and sometimes whole buildings) appearing in 2 places at the same time.  Usually really far apart

This happends a lot on big save files.

On the Badspot Cathedral Server, half the bricks appeared to the side, I attached a screenshot below:

This happened because I introduced a new bug.  It should be fixed now and back to just the same old bugs. 

lol, I saw this, and a hug chanck of a wall was also missing.

yea i went to BS server once.....its was like a mad world where bricks only had one side O_O

I still get the "Bricks are so high they appear back down on base level and mess you up if you go through them, but they are still kind of physically at their high altitude point but invisible and you sometimes fall through them" problem. It's pretty much the reason why I had to switch the space elevator from the bedroom map to the slopes map, you start at a higher elevation so the very high bricks will actualy load properly. This doesn't stop people from jumping off the mountain too soon before the bricks finish loading though.