Author Topic: friends of the Blockland forums?  (Read 6183 times)

Everyone seem to find that if you been on BlocklandForums longer than anyone else. It gives you a sort of status.

for example
who are you to say that
I've been here longer than you

Who are you guys anyway? And why would any of you be on this site?
He obviously only took more "famous" people, and not those who actually is. "friends"
you must be new or something, wow.

lmfao I'm so glad I'm not in there.. I don't know how that happened, BUT
I think maybe Slicksilver555 or Robo Noob are behind this. Notice how they're not in there.. and I'm not either.
A lot of that stuff is hilarious though hahaha

Everyone seem to find that if you been on BlocklandForums longer than anyone else. It gives you a sort of status.
Most users here that have been longer than 2+ years believe themselves to be the wise arbiters of the Forums. We cannot help them. The only way to help them, is not to at all.

you must be new or something, wow.
You must be handicapped or something, wow.

I wanna get insulted by a cigarette who insulted 23 other people.

Where's my entry?
Where's my entry?
Oh wait.
We haven't be friend enough.

Where's my entry?
Oh wait.
We haven't be friend enough.
Lets see if this works

Lolololl friend.

lolololol iban is banned lolololol

Lolololol your a cigarette man leave now lololol.

Did I get in yet?

Where's my entry?
Oh wait.
We haven't be friend enough.

I don't see how Truce is on there. He was banned and all, yes, but he's not stupid and all that.

well do you know what cigarette means in 2011?
its more of a compliment.


You must be handicapped or something, wow.
Did you just notice that?

You must be handicapped or something, wow.
someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, wow.

Did you just notice that? yeah, because I'm obviously new. duh