Author Topic: Balancing a vehical  (Read 3166 times)

My hevical wont ballence for some reason. It keeps on leaning forward. Plz help!

In the program make sure the middle of the Model is sitting in the center of the axis. I had this problem with my Firetruck it was leaning in strange directions.

What colour is a red firetruck again? I forget :(

What colour is a red firetruck again? I forget :(

You shoulda watched that documentry on the Discovery Channel. :\

I know, poor gazelles. I also feel sorry for the ambulances, red firetrucks always hog them.

"The firetruck stalks its prey. The ambulances must wait their turn."

"The firetruck stalks its prey. The ambulances must wait their turn."
I did that to my friend, I said the firetruck stalks it's prey then i jumped on him and tackled him =P it was funny as hell.

If you're misspelling "Balance or Vehicle" in the code like you are on the forums, no wonder it doesn't work.

Because typing "Balance" or "Vehicle" has any effect on the unequal mass on the model.

Exactly. He must have made a typo somewhere, and I'm pretty sure that a typo could influence the balance.

For example:
Mass right: 0.1
Mass left: 0,1

I know that's not Torquescript, but you get the point.

I was being sarcastic. Koden, that would give a syntax error.

@First thing: I know
@Second thing: I know