
would you take part?

Yes, 100%
No, 0%
maybe, 50%
I will, if I get a good part

Author Topic: zombie movie  (Read 2492 times)

I'm thinking that is would be cool & fun to make a awsome zombie apocalypse movie. I would need people with the jobs listed.

1. camera crew

2. actors

3. prop & scean builders

4. directors

5. specal effect crew

if you wana be in the movie just come to officer michael 888's server.

thank you

I wana b da papi tha forgets hees wief evwy tweee minoots.

I wana b da papi tha forgets hees wief evwy tweee minoots.
no go away you ruined it

hey, are you my old camria man?

hey, are you my old camria man?
Idk, i dont think so though
Could be him though. Idk.
Lemme in :(

just come to my server when its up, i will probibly be filming that movie.

I'm  also making a D-day video, an a Vietnam video.

I will be in if you make the the zombie just like (The Walking Dead) no L4D crap and put in some (ZombieLand). Then I would like to be one of the main Surviours. I know so much about zombies and stuff so ya.

I know so much about zombies
What's there to know? They walk around and try and kill you. That's pretty much it.

What's there to know? They walk around and try and kill you. That's pretty much it.
Well like how to live through them how they act like they Walk and Just alot about The Walking Dead zombies they go to sound and crap

no, im making the zombies like L4D