Author Topic: Duplicator add-on execution failing?  (Read 708 times)

I checked the box, tool_duplicator in the add-ons list.

When I start a game, no wand. Or menus. No error message happens when I say /loaddup.
^There. I've isolated part of it already. It isn't just the wand.

Have you tried deleteing Tool_Duplicator and redownloading it from RTB?
Conflicting Add-Ons?

Won't work. It's the same as before.

If you run a dedicated server after checking the add-on it wont show up so you may need to enable/ disable it then enter a single player game for it to actually enable before starting an online game.

This is all in single player.

Sorry for double posting, there's no edit or modify-

The fill can won't work.
Neither JVS content and plunger switch. It acts in the same way as the duplicator.

Sorry for double posting, there's no edit or modify-

The name wand won't work. Same type of problem.

you can use exec("add-ons/tool_duplicater/server.cs");
and you'll get the function, just it won't load the emitter

I was wondering what the exact command was - I knew that it had something with exec in it, but thanks anyway, phlack.