Author Topic: Collision mesh/parenting problems? (Resolved)  (Read 460 times)

Hopefully this wouldn't be crossposting, but just to be sure I'm going to have this here too.
Would anyone be willing to take a look at the .DTS of my Feisar? I think I might have parented something wrong or made a mistake with the collision box, because attempting to spawn it crashes the game.

The hierarchy looks like this at the moment:

« Last Edit: August 18, 2011, 01:31:39 PM by .::Taboo::. »

Isn't detail0 suppose to be "detail32", or does that matter?

Isn't detail0 suppose to be "detail32", or does that matter?
I used the Pickup truck from Phy as a basis, so I don't think it matters.

I'm talking it over with yndaaa at the moment, the most likely cause is not in fact the parenting or anything but that I have something misset in the exporter.

also, in case it's actually just an effect of my lazy editing it into the motorbike vehicle, here's the attempt at the packaged version.
i'm going to try it over the jeep to see if i get any luck.